
Share some suggestions with me. Because sharing is caring. Bitch.


  1. -Sonic checks his BrawlVault and finds all Shadows
    -Ike checks his BrawlVault and finds all Clouds

  2. Songe and her words spelled backwards.
    Last panel, she says "!fap"

  3. Like Jason. Oh and Anonymous that isnt funny at all TROLL

  4. Guess everyone's too cool to put a name besides Anonymous D;

  5. Hm... Well, if it's really true BY fixed Vegeta... And releases it...

    I predict some will then be like... "YAY! VEGETA!"

    *Five minutes later...*

    "Now we need *insert random filler DBZ character no one other then DBZ fanboys would care about here*."

    And BY being like... >=(

  6. Non team member makes awesome an awesome texture and gets 30 downloads, and some team member makes a random filler texture that gets 500.

  7. *An awesome texture, not "awesome an awesome texture" >:(

  8. Suggestions, huh ... where to start, where to start ...

    Travestites (hey, I'm far from being the only one xP), random fads, roleplayers, the rules taking years to slightly update, "original characters don't steal!!1!" in the Vault, PSA projects leading nowhere, overly-dramatic goodbye topics, "PERFECT" model replacements that glitch for 40% of your actions and freeze for the remaining 60%, ...
    Also Vyse. We need more of Vyse.

  9. Make more like the last panel in Episode 16 because LOL YOU'RE AN ARTIST!!

    I kid, I kid. Make one about how some of the KCMM members use red text to talk in third person.

  10. make one with Mariodk he is named MarioDK but has nothing to do with Donkeykong or mario and got a avvy with Gotenks (i think it is)

  11. @ SJS : That's actually the "/me" shortcut command. The same used in IRCs and on MSN. Both the third person thing and the red text are automatically done by the forum. :)
    But yeah, it's generally used for RPing. And roleplayers certainly are easy to make fun of, that I can tell you. xP

  12. @the last Anonymous before me

    lol good idea with Mariodk i think he is the biggest DBZ fanboy in the whole site

  13. @two last Anonymous lol thanks i think (abit wrong there you mean Biggest Gotenks fanboy)

  14. How about a comic about how every time a great vertex hack gets released, 5 minutes later 3-4 packs of mediocre recolors get released alongside it.

    Or maybe, you could do one involving fan-characters on the Vault (particularly the Sonic ones). Maybe you could have a guy making his fan-character and acting so proud about it and talking about how everyone out there will also think it's cool.

    And then it gets less than 10 downloads. It'd be hilarious.

  15. The curse of people who can never leave the forums once they join...


  16. Make one about how VIP Hackers isn't even VIP anymore.

    32 people? Come on.

  17. Make one about how butthurt some people are because they could never get in to VIP hackers.

  18. Correction. We are 33 members, now that Black Jax has joined. Unless you don't want to count cuckoos in, since all he does is lurk, spam, and troll, which we love. With that said, haters, stay on your job!


  19. Make one about the ESH chat...and about relations in the KC:MM family.

  20. lol make 1 about how mariodk always makes sure to mention his projects in his posts cuz hes desperate 4 attention

  21. >.>
    Do one of me. :D :P

  22. I think you people are misunderstanding the point of KittyLeaksLeaksLeaks. I'm not using it to put down anyone, or even "upset the balance" of KC:MM. I make these so you can laugh at yourself or people you know, or laugh at something weird and crazy that you know is funny and true. And if you can't laugh at yourself, tough shit.

    If you have a deal with someone, settle it with them. Don't talk shit as an anonymous user.

  23. Do one about how silly these suggestions are.

  24. Lol yeah attention whoring XD I do it all the time >.> <.< >.>

    ...Though I don't actually think I'm as bad as some.....

    But anyways, if you didn't see it, I had a suggestion a day or two ago about Aafyre's polls and how people (used to) make multiple accounts just to get what they wanted XD

  25. Remember the good ol' days of manual texture hexing, ASH, STASH, and CUPASH? Now there's Brawlbox and this newfangled technology..
    I feel old :/

  26. KLL isn't butthurt over KLLL. Just sayin.

    KLLL is awesome. I don't have a suggestion, just wanted to say that. Keep up the good work. ;)

  27. No! Go to heaven or something. You can't linger around here forever D;

  28. make one about how everything ItalianStallion talks about relates to weed in some annoying way

  29. Read KittyLeaksLeaks, derpshit.

  30. @ Anomiacis

    I did your request bro. Guess you didn't like it.

  31. OH OH OH do one about how someone subtly requests to be in a comic and is furious when people deny that that is them depicted in the comic.

  32. let Cp. falcon check his Vault now
    there is so many Gokus on him now

  33. I just realised something...

    Jessie has no nose o_o

  34. Do one about how people ask a question or ask for help, and when they get a response, they attack the person who responded and treat them like they're fucking morons.

    Even though they're the noobs asking for help in the first place.

  35. Should do one about my boob obsession. XD

  36. @ KingJigglypuff

    I think it's just called being a dude. ;D

  37. One line to explain my suggestion.


  38. OK then. XD :P
    Sorry to bother you. xD

  39. @ Velen

    The subject of roleplaying and homoeroticism has already been covered in KittyLeaksLeaksLeaks. Sorry! D;

    @ KingJigglypuff

    It's not a bother, come back soon ;D

  40. Well, the problem with the source material is...It was taken out of context.

    The two of use were...roleplaying as girls with KJP.

  41. @ Velen

    If I may suggest something, try do do those kind of things in private. Or at least around those you truly trust. ;)

  42. Yeah.


    Shadow Vault and Cloud Vault?

    The fact that popular characters get more DLs and overall attention than OCs, and not-as-popular hacks?

  43. Make one about people rage-quitting.

  44. make one about Mario bros. checking they vault
    mario only see him as doctoc and Luigi as Weegee

  45. Make the return of Kitty Leaks, in which they make a kitty leaks leaks leaks leaks to make fun of kitty leaks leaks leaks.

    Better idea:
    Have someone check the forums. The threads shown start with kitty leaks^3 (written out though), then ^4, then eventually the thread names get so long it's impossible to tell what version of kitty leaks the threads are based on.

  46. Hey, you have a nose now. :D


  47. Make one about how everyone is repulsed by NaruZeldaMaster now.

  48. Make one about me and call me :
    Epic Anonymous Man !

  49. Make one about how crazy Beyond's request thread gets.

  50. KC:MM Z (KCMM dragonball Z style)
    (inc. me if you making something like that)
    idea is not mine but i post it here :D

  51. I demand that you include the Get Out Frog in one of your comics. >:O

  52. Know your Brawl Hackers:
    Make him a bush with arms and legs.

  53. I heard Miacis say that half the mods are actually double accounts of other mods.
    So that gave me this idea.


    Spies everywhere.."




  54. do one about that one wolf guy with the kamina sunglasses!!

  55. Do a comic of Velen wearing Hawaiian shorts.

  56. I agree with the most recent Anon. CR4CK3RW0LF needs some love XD

  57. Vyse is wearing "I'm With Stupid" shirt and its pointing at Stickdude.

  58. because that makes a lot of sense.

  59. *shows metaknight beating up ganondorf or some other low tier character, having 300-something %*

    after a panel or two, show a brawl hacker on his computer, with the above mentioned in a thought bubble (he was thinking about it the whole time).

    Then the computer screen shows the cursor hover over a download link for the low tier character, with a PSA that is obviously overpowered, just by the title and preview.

    The next panel shows the overpowered PSA beating up Metaknight. Feel free to include ridiculous expressions (either on the characters, or another panel with the players controlling it, in front of the TV).

  60. make stickman accuse everyone of plagiarism for looking like him in the comics

  61. Make one about people trying to eat StarWaffle's head.

  62. Make one where Oizen baits a random person by trolling them, then turns around and warns them.

  63. Chicks dig kittens.

    Not even Songe can resist.


  64. Anything that involves muzzling NaruZeldaMaster. σ_σ

  65. @Anomiacis

    Make one about people being attacked by Angry Cuccos.

  66. Noob sees an epic vertex.
    Noob decides to make a thread about making a PSA for said vertex.
    Noob writes a very vague description for a moveset.
    Noob gets other noobs excited for said PSA.
    Noobs talk about ideas that will never work out for three pages.
    Thread dies out.
    Three years later, some noob necroposts on the thread saying how great the idea is and gets warned.

    Hilarity ensues.

  67. @Bob Marley so much true

  68. Make a lot of inside family references as suggested above, because everyone understands them and we all find them hilarious and love seeing that all the time.

  69. Luigi check his vault he finds:
    Kid goku import
    Silver import
    mario import
    over him
    no one want Weegee! "Luigi crys"

  70. yeah... even i could use some love! D=

    anyways... would u be able to make a comic for me? o.o

    *me on a computer workin on stages... some1 pops up behind me and asks wat im workin on...
    *then more pop up asking the same thing
    *10mins later... there's a whole bunch of ppl and im bangin my head against my keyboard.

  71. You could have a comic about all the characters that get ported over (Olimar, DK, D3, G&W, Yoshi, etc.) getting indignant over being replaced (i.e. "Sakurai lurvs me, why can't anyone else(cries in corner)"). Or about people who just lurk and don't actually contribute to the community. (raises hand)

  72. This one will be hilarious, read it.

    Sephiroth (ShadowSnake) biting a mango then yelling "wtf boom!!!" that makes his head explode violently, Travis Touchdown (Beyond) shown laughing behind him holding a detonator.

  73. Just to speak for Jessie:


  74. Hey people, Jessie is not gonna take the request if its about you, he doesn't work that way, people appear randomly in Jessie's comics, so just stop.

  75. Shut up Sorceress.

    Stop acting like you're somebody.

    Because you're not.

  76. woooo u mad brah?

  77. Quit being big stupid trolls, because Sorceress is right... I do ignore requests that are all "LOL PUT ME N I CAN HAS STICKMAN?"

    The Jessie has spoken.

  78. Your hilarious xD

  79. Anyways suggestion hmm....
    Someone post pics of vertex hack, hypes everyone up...moves on post more pics of another hack, so on and so forth....and yet they are never released V.V

  80. Completely taking up space in the suggestions for no reason over than being Wave.

    Yeah. Take that. ¦D

    Nice comic by the way. ¦3

  81. "The Jessie has spoken."

    That needs to be put in a comic somewhere..

  82. you should do a comic about how Beyond's thread has become a place of spam as opposed to a place of hacks >.>

  83. Make one about Ninka_Kiwi's name being just like Nasoka_Kewe's name.

    They never even met each other, but the names are so close.. it's creepy.

  84. ^Lolwut?
    theres someone that's like this?!

  85. I want a comic about the small person stalking Oizen in comic 3.

  86. You should do a comic about fancharacters. Not high quality ones, like Aafyre's or Wave's, but all of the cruddy ones that are clogging up the Vault (and usually go over Sonic).

    I have no ideas for a "plot" though. Do as you please. Cool comic BTW.

  87. Nintendo workers are secretly the best Brawl hackers on KC:MM. They don't do anything about the hacking scene though because this is the only time they get to express their originality without restrictions (like taking models from other games), and of course, they are so popular it feels good. But once they stop being popular... wrath of Sakurai.. explosion.. global war.. et cetera


  89. This is the 100th comment.

  90. Do a request about the long and epic journey that is the progression of the Sephiroth PSA. Basically, it starts out with Divine, BigBadBooya and Hollow all happily collaborating the project. The feedback from the peepz (aka. Wolfric, Data Drain, Apprentice of Death, Hackingstar and a few others) gradually comes in, but as time goes on Divine is left to fend for himself as he's continually bombarded with feedback.

    The pace starts to slow down, the hype is deteriorating and people be sad but then suddenly, out of the sky like an angel drops Tormod with his smexy animation work. Divine and Tormod then work together with the help of "the peepz" and their feedback to finally perfect Sephiroth (currently at version 10.0158) after 2 years, 3 months, 1 week, 5 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes and 28 seconds of development and over 600 pages. The hack then 1 second later reaches 20,000 downloads, only because people had to keep redownloading it over and over with every update (there were a totally of 156 updates).

    But it was all worth it =D Or was it?

    At this point some random PSAer, who had been studying in complete secrecy for years and who had become a master animator comes up out of the blue and releases a better one, which only him about 1 month or so to do.

    Then Divine, Tormod and "the peepz" a left standing in awe, and they all simultaneously say "Aww HELL NO".

    Moral of the Story: There is none, except that Jessie is your king.

  91. @ SDo0m- Wow, that's quite an essay you wrote there.

  92. SDo0m, if that happened, I would hunt down whoever did it, and kill them...


    Anyway, Jessie, how about one with the bots? You know... The ones that are ads for dumb things posing as users. <_>;

  93. make onf about how much TBM(a.k.a Thebeastman) is the most Annoying/Stupid/Trolling member of KC-MM
    Spam Pms to almost anyone
    spammed Smashclash´s Vertex thread alot
    ppl is just getting tried of him
    and he is still not banned
    i never have see one so much Annoying/Stupid not even in a big MMORPG(World of warcraft) with alot of small kids is so much Annoying/Stupid

  94. People making a thread in Off-Topic for EVERY funny/unfunny video/picture they found on the internet. σ_σ

  95. People making a thread in forum games for EVERY stupid/shitty RP that comes in to their heads.

    and also, one about mariodk calling people annoying. Its rich with irony.

  96. @ doublethink : "You know ... maybe you should calm down a little." [/Laguna]
    I mean, really, I come here to see fun suggestions, not to see someone like your swearing like a trooper and talking smack about other people.

    I don't even disagree with you on the principle principle, it's just ... chill out, man.

  97. @ doublethink : OMG That is rich with truth. XD


    Warndouken vs Sonic Ban

    S1 : Vish and Vyse charging their Sanctions

    S2 : Vish and Vyse fire their Sanctions

    S3 : Vish gets decapitated. Vyse would dramatically be posed in a hurt position yelling in pain.

    S4 : Vyse then gets up from position, saying, "Oh wait, I can't get sanctioned....."

    S5 : Vyse then gets in this normal pose saying, "That means I win!"

  98. for the "moderated" and "mute" attacks, i picture it as a pokemon style battle.

    enemy troll has been affected by warndouken!
    enemy troll used harassment!
    [admin name] used moderate! (i picture a death stare from the admin)
    enemy troll can't post without admin approval!
    enemy troll is confused!
    enemy troll used rage! it was not very effective...
    [admin name] is getting annoyed
    [admin name]used Mute Cannon! It's super effective!
    Enemy troll cannot post! Enemy troll fainted from frustration!
    [admin name] won $0 for defeating enemy troll

    i didnt include a specific admin in there because i didnt know who would fit best

  99. Hm... How about a comic showing you putting Vish's head back on? Frankenstein style. Yes, lightning and all.

  100. make a marioDk vs. TBM (DBZ style they are both fans of it) MarioDk Wins since TBM is just a noob/troll and marioDk is awesome

  101. I sincerely apologize for saying "Shitty." I realize this may have come off as offensive to this tender audience of children.

  102. @ Muigi there would be no winner since the loser is a noob/troll and both of those contestants apply for the role.

  103. Super Zelda / Triforce Zelda should get a "Know your hackers".
    Seriously, this guy is the living cliché of the hater artist in all its splendor.
    Read his 1 month old goodbye ranting thread and his introduction to SS and you'll see what I mean.

  104. "You should do a comic about fancharacters. Not high quality ones, like Aafyre's or Wave's, but all of the cruddy ones that are clogging up the Vault (and usually go over Sonic)."

    You can't have quality AND be a Sonic fancharacter at the same time.

    Also, Jessie x Jackie Rule 34.

  105. Do one about the bloody moron trying to impersonate me.


  106. Well tried, but you failed again, good sir.
    At least, you've learned how to read in the mean time.

    Making a comic about you would be too much of an honor. ;)

  107. Do one about Miacis getting all pissed off about someone impersonating him, then trying to play off getting trolled like he was smooth or something.

  108. Okay, how about you guys shut up about Miacis.

    If you're going to insult him, let him know who you are and stop hiding behind the Anonymous title. Trolls shouldn't be afraid to let theirselves known.

  109. If you could even call them trolls.

  110. The Knights who say NiAugust 20, 2011 at 8:43 PM

    The comment section of episode 58.


  112. Do one about Velen and Triforce Zelda's corpse chatting about their hatred for stupid people over a cup of tea.

  113. do one about song+.gif threads


    We need a comic about PAVGN forming a comic duo with Triforce Zelda. 8D

  115. Make one about bots on the forum.

    Also, Jessie X Jessie rule 46.

  116. I don't even know what that rule is. And I don't want to.

  117. Giga Boobs Peach and NaruZeldaMaster's OC need to meet up.

    I think they'd make a great pair.

  118. The only problem is that Giga Boobs Peach is in tiny little pieces.

  119. Zombie Giga Boobs?

    I guess we should save that for the Halloween special, huh?

  120. Make Jessie a superhero and use SJS as his secret identity.

  121. Mr. V's House of Critique

  122. Santa made of bushesDecember 5, 2011 at 3:28 PM



  123. Get out of the bushes and put your pants back on. How many times will we go through this? Next time I'm calling the cops.

  124. I would like to see a Christmas theme comic from u, Jessie. :P

  125. Do one about the progression of a really popular hack, like Cloud, from past to present
    Starts off:
    Crappy texture
    decent texture
    crappy vertex
    vertex 2.0
    RECOLOR 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
    perfected vertex by someone popular
    perfected vertex by someone more popular
    Import, horrible rigging
    Decent Import


    You can throw in stuff like person x claiming person y stole x's texture, or stupid reports; also, overhyped noobs, maybe something about PSA, idk.


  126. Hm, how about fun with facial excretions?

  127. OHGOD

    I meant to put expressions!!


  128. add me as a character. i dont really care how :srs:

  129. Family Thread gets deleted

    Family member starts a new thread and calls it something else.

    1. I do believe I touched upon this suggestion in Episode 85, Sir Bob of Anonymity.
